Wilkins P&C Association
About Wilkins P&C
The Wilkins Public School P&C is an engaged, approachable and friendly group of parents, carers and teachers who work to enhance our children's educational experience by facilitating a good working relationship between parents and the school. We support WPS so that the teachers can deliver the best educational programmes and enhance the curriculum where we are able. The P&C puts time and effort into raising funds for the school which can be spent on resources that may not otherwise be available.
Our major fund-raising and events include: our biennial Fair Day (even years); Parent night out (odd years); Family movie night (in celebration of mothers day and fathers day), Community BBQs, Welcome Evenings for Kindergarten and Stage 3; annual Walk-a-thon, assisting the Wilkins Green and staffing and coordinating the on-site uniform shop.
The P&C is also an invaluable resource for parents providing opportunities to understand the school's needs and priorities, to work with and get to know the teachers and staff, and to share our school experiences as parents and carers. We are always looking for ways in which parents and carers can contribute to the school using their existing skills and expertise.
We welcome new parents and carers at any time of the year. We truly feel that everyone in the WPS community has something to contribute. Annual membership (each calendar year) is $2 and paying for membership ensures that you may vote within the meeting.
The Wilkins P&C usually holds meetings on the third Tuesday of the month at 7pm via Zoom. Please see below to confirm precise meeting dates.
P & C Meetings for 2024
Tuesday, 20 February (in person)
Tuesday, 19 March (online)
Tuesday, 21 May (in person)
Tuesday, 18 June (online)
Tuesday, 20 August (in person)
Tuesday, 17 September (online)
Tuesday, 22 October (online)
Tuesday, 19 November ( in person) This is also the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
A request for agenda items will be made via Wilkins Headlines, accessed via School Bytes. Then the agendas are published in the following Wilkins Headlines in the lead up to the monthly meeting. All past minutes and upcoming agenda’s can be found in the P&C folder in the School Parent Info Hub
Executive Committee
Our Executive team for 2024 are:
Kimberley Ashton – President
Lucy Taylor – Vice President
Michael Kuligowski – Vice President
Gianna Spencer – Treasurer
Alex Clarke – Deputy Treasurer
Katrina Byrne – Events Coordinator
Veronica Mayson - Secretary
Find us on Facebook at Wilkins Public P&C or email wilkinspnc.president@gmail.com
The P&C works hard to support Wilkins Public School through fundraising.
2024 fundraising events
Sunday, 19th May - Family Movie Night
Thursday, 21st June - School Walk-a-thon
Saturday 14 September – Council Election BBQ
Sunday 22nd September - WIlkins Fair
Date TBC - Halloween Disco (hosted by stage 3 families assisted by P&C)
Date TBC – P & C Twilight Market