Wilkins Public School

Consideration, care, courage

Telephone02 9560 3309


Science and technology

Science and technology is mandatory for all students from Kindergarten to Year 6.

In science and technology, students explore the natural and made worlds. They learn how to apply scientific and technological skills, knowledge and understanding across a broad range of contexts.

Science provides a way of inquiring about the world around us. It explores evidence and investigates ways to discover, develop and produce solutions to real world problems. The inquiry and skill-based nature of science opens doors to ideas and discoveries.

University of Sydney, STEM Academy Partner School

In December 2017, Wilkins Public School was selected by the University of Sydney to be a STEM Academy Partner School in 2018. To learn more about the program, visit the Academy Program site

Selected staff from Wilkins Public School participated in a residential program at Sydney University led by academic staff from Sydney University and industry partners. Our staff engaged with the academic and industry experts and other school teams to develop a within and across disciplinary approach to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). There was a large focus on the application of problem solving and inquiry-based learning in the teaching of science, mathematics and technology . 

The Academy's aim is for partner schools to become hubs of expertise for STEM Academy programs through:

  • Inspiring and supporting teachers
  • Expanding and sustaining new approaches to teaching and learning
  • Implementing innovative STEM units.

STEM High Possibility Classrooms

Wilkins Public School teachers employ the model of High Possibility Classrooms in their STEM teaching.  Follow the STEM journey twitter 
