Music plays an integral part of the education offered at Wilkins Public School. Our aim is to provide students with a high quality music education in an energetic and creative environment.
We believe the educational benefits of music in teaching and of learning to play a musical instrument are enormous, helping to develop skills important to many aspects of life.
Music teaches students self discipline. Mastering an instrument requires practice, patience and commitment. The sense of achievement and satisfaction as musical skills are accomplished is process, and can boost self-confidence and help students feel great.
Music also teaches teamwork and can provide wonderful social connections - making music in ensembles entails listening to others and working harmoniously towards the goal of a performance. it can also relieve stress - music is one of life's simple joys and helps calm the mind.
Above all it's fun! Many opportunities arise to share musical skills with family and friends, opening up possiblities that can enrich life.
To learn more, visit Wilkins Music Program.

About our music programs
Our classroom music program is detailed below, and is offered to all students as part of the school curriculum. We also offer additional music opportunities through our Extra Curricular Activities.
Family involvement
Parents and carers can get involved in supporting our music programs by joining the Wilkins Music Association.
Classroom Music Program
Every child at Wilkins Public School is taught music by a specialist music teacher as part of the school curriculum. Each week, every class attends a 30-45 minute music lesson with the specialist music teacher.
The classroom music program is based on the Orff method. Orff's ideas centre on the fundamental unity of music including speech, singing, movement and instruments which are integrated to teach the elements of music. Orff Techniques include echo, ostinato, canon, question/answer and the pentatonic scale. Music is taught sequentially with skills and elements of music acquired through directed listening, vocal/instrumental performance and composing. Students are encouraged to experiment with different instruments and techniques.
What to Expect and When
Kindergarten and Year 1
Our youngest students enjoy a strong emphasis on singing, playing and moving to music using untuned percussion instruments. They learn about rhythm, pitch, tone, colour and structure of music through singing and playing simple songs on their instruments.
Years 2-4
From Year 2, our students are introduced to the recorder and they begin to read music. The recorder is a wonderful instrument for children to learn – it is one of the easier instruments to learn and play, and is a good size for children as the holes are close together and easy to reach. Importantly, a recorder is affordable and it's easy to pack in a school bag! Playing the recorder helps to promote music literacy and students can gain the confidence and skills to learn other instruments.
In Years 3 and 4, the recorder is played in two parts and accompanying xylophone parts are also learnt.
Buying a recorder: Students can buy a recorder for a reduced rate of $10, from the school's front office. Students' recorders are kept at school. Parents are encouraged to purchase a second recorder to keep for home practice.
Years 5-6
Students are encouraged to extend their recorder playing skills and improve their music note reading. Tuned percussion is introduced, and xylophones, keyboards and guitars are often added to performance. The school has also purchased class sets of djembe and bongo drums which are being used by all classes.
You can access the full music curriculum at the Department of Education website.
Performance Opportunities
As part of the classroom music program, students are encouraged to utilse their skills throughout the year at events such as school assemblies and concerts.
All children are encouraged to participate and join in singing, dancing, getting dressed up and playing instruments.
There are also opportunities to perform at external events and competitions, and at some of the wonderful Wilkins P&C Association fundraisers.