Wilkins Public School

Consideration, care, courage

Telephone02 9560 3309


Out of school hours care

Team Kids

TeamKids is a premium OSHC provider enriching children’s lives before school, after school and throughout the school holidays.

Our child-centred approach provides you with the comfort of knowing your child(ren) are in safe hands and being enriched at every opportunity.

Innovative TeamKids Clubs

Each day is a new adventure! We extend and enrich each child’s passions and interests through our TeamKids Clubs. Children nominate to join clubs at no extra cost.

Fun Experiences

TeamKids run educational play-based programs that are child-centred, fun and maximise opportunities for enriching and extending each child’s learning and development.

Remarkable educators

When attending TeamKids, your children are cared for by our passionate, highly experienced & trained educators.

Healthy & Nutritious

We provide healthy, nutritious and delicious food each morning and afternoon.



31 Park Rd, Marrickville NSW 2204

On-Site Location

TeamKids OOSH Hub. Entry via main school gate and follow the TeamKids Flags.

Before School Care Hours

7:00 am - 9:00 am

After School Care Hours

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Vacation Care Hours

7:00 am - 6:00 pm

Phone - Only during service hours

0434 710 102



Enrolled year level

Kindergarten - Year 6

Find out more about your team kids service  


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